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Rapsmark ved Spentrup

maj 5th, 2007. Kategori: Foto


Gård ved Spentrup lidt nord for Randers.


Samme rapsmark med vindmøller i baggrunden.

  1. 6 Responses to “Rapsmark ved Spentrup”

  2. By Niels on maj 5, 2007

    529 pixels.

  3. By Sjaak on maj 7, 2007

    Nice, ouwe.


  4. By Louisette on apr 14, 2009

    Wonderfull fotos.
    Greeting from Belgium.

  5. By Niels on apr 15, 2009

    Thanks Louisette. 🙂

  6. By yahya kanyi on maj 8, 2011

    that is a very nice flower.

  7. By Niels on maj 8, 2011

    Yes. It’s very spectacular when the “Raps” is blooming in the fields.

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